13 December 2010


Perfect Two – Auburn Song and Lyrics Code
[Verse 1:]
You can be the peanut butter to my jelly
You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly
You can be the captain and I can be your first mate
You can be the chills that I feel on our first date
You can be the hero and I can be your side kick
You can be the tear that I cry if we ever split
You can be the rain from the cloud when it’s stormin’
Or you can be the sun when it shines in the mornin’
Don’t know if I could ever be
Without you cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we’ll both see
That we’re all we need
Cause you’re the apple to my pie
You’re the straw to my berry
You’re the smoke to my high
And you’re the one I wanna marry
Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I’m the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we’re the perfect two
We’re the perfect two
We’re the perfect two
Baby me and you
We’re the perfect two
[Verse 2:]
You can be the prince and I can be your princess
You can be the sweet tooth and I can be the dentist
You can be the shoes and I can be the laces
You can be the heart that I spill on the pages
You can be the vodka and I can be the chaser
You can be the pencil and I can be the paper
You can be as cold as the winter weather
But I don’t care as long as we’re together
Don’t know if I could ever be
Without you cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we’ll both see
That we’re all we need
Cause you’re the apple to my pie
You’re the straw to my berry
You’re the smoke to my high
And you’re the one I wanna marry
Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I’m the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we’re the perfect two
We’re the perfect two
We’re the perfect two
Baby me and you
We’re the perfect two
You know that I’ll never doubt ya
And you know that I think about ya
And you know I can’t live without ya
I love the way that you smile
And maybe in just a while
I can see me walk down the aisle
[B-Sec 1/2:]
Cause you’re the apple to my pie
You’re the straw to my berry
You’re the smoke to my high
And you’re the one I wanna marry
Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I’m the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we’re the perfect two
We’re the perfect two
We’re the perfect two
Baby me and you
We’re the perfect two

10 December 2010


SALAM SEMUA..aku taw ramai yang tak suka layout baru facebook korang…ade yg nk blik layout lame korg kn,..so aku ada dapat satu komen dari seseorang yang mengatakan ada cara nak tukar….komen ini datang dari ZULSYAMIN

so caranya ialah dengan deactive account facebook korang selama 5 – 15 minut macam tu je…senang je kot…kalau tak tau macam mane nak deactive account korang tu…meh sini tengok pix aku buat nieh..hahaha…tak nampak??pendek umar..haha…jokes…klik pix tu tengok puas-puas

first,korang pergi kat tab ACCOUNT then klik ACCOUNT SETTING

second,pergi kat tab SETTNG…korang tengok kat bawah sekali ada tulis DEACTIVE ACCOUNT…korang klik DEACTIVE

nanti dia akan tanya sebab apa korang nak deactive account korang…so korang pilih je

“This is temporary. I’ll be back”

oke??faham??boleh buat??so buat ae apa lagi kalau dah tak tahan nan layout baru tu..hehee…gewd luck yeahh~~

p/s ; lain kali tangan tu jangan dok gatai p klik benda pelik2 or nak try benda-benda baru kalo xpasti lg…kan padah facebook korang..hahaha

follow lerr skali kalau suka

09 December 2010

maXis Bosan??

disebabkan aku still nk open blog, aku rasa nak lepas geram at sini ! tenet ni memang celaka sial ! geram aku . broadband maxis sekali lagi wat sial . baru je aku syok nak create new post , disconnect ! arghhh ! awat jahat sangat ?! dan banyak kali connect ag , tak boleh gak . okay , xpe ! lu dengki kan . xpe , aku tak marah . sebab aku tak bayar bil lagi . haha ! ptg ni , ingatkan boleh dok diam ah tak online . tapi BOSAN GILA !!! sebab tataw watpe , xkn nk dok main game2 bodoh ah .. ! hahax..,ak bkn jenis suka main game..tp aku taley dok diam , rasa cam ada ular sawa dok melingkar dalam perot ! haha , okay tipu . aku rasa tak senang duduk ah . aku bosan , aku nak online . last2 , aku rasa cam nak gigit je lappy nihh , haha . xde ah . aku bosan ..nk tdor arghhh..TIDAK!! tiap2 ptg tdoq.dh tidoq siap mimpi2 ag..ntah kemana hala ntah ak p..tamaw2..wahal ak ngantok sgt sebenaqnya...
okay , now aku takde wat apa pun . bosan gila , dats y aku blogging . .ak sayunx lu, lu jangan wat cibai at aku ye maxis ! pecut bagi laju sikit ! sebelum aku mengamok gigit ang . haha ! okay , done . bosannn !
BosAn okei....

28 November 2010

INNOVATIONFAmilyFEST_1 Perjalanan Bersama PROTON

Asalamualaikum semua,dah lama ak tulih kn..bkn apa bzy bebenor hahaha..maklumla dh thn akhir,byk aisement lorr..dlm dok byk2 kje kne settle kn,ak smpat jgk enjoy wif fmily pakcik kt shahAlam..jom dgr cte apa aku nk habaq mai kt korg..sesape yg kje dgn proton dh thu la cte nie..bertuah sgt kje dgn proton,bg ak la kn..proton byak mhargai pekerja2nya...ctohnya hari keluarga,bkn event kecik2 tawu..best gler sey dpt ikot,,huhu..sblum tu jom tgok dulo pic2 skit...

pengacara majlis nie adalah Naz Mickeymouse & FarrahFauzana
haaa..nk taw apa yg proton bt tuk pekerja dorg,..mesty la FamilyDay,acara tahunan yg dinantikn oleh sume perkerja proton,best 0o0..tanggal 27 Nov lpas ia blansung dgn ber tema kn INNOVATION & FAMILYFEST 2010,1 PERJALANAN BERSAMA PR0TON.glerr grand arr fmily dAy dorg,hampir 35ribu org yg hadir kt stadium shahAlam tuh naik lemas ak..tp yg penting best hohoho..semua warga proton berkumpul dr branch proton city Tanjung malim,proton Edar,MIYAzU iaitu vendor dorg(pembekal nk kreta ler) dan semestynya Proton ShahAlam..
haa..tgok ramai x,nie pagi2 lg..ramai lg yg xmai...org2 tanjung malim lmbt skit.maklum la jauh skit..
nie tgok blah kanan ak lak..dri tmpt ak duduk..ramai gak kn,hmpir separuh stadium dipenuhi oleh pkrja proton..huhu..mcm2 aktiviti yg dorg bt,,ada rumah hantu,acerry,pinball,car race(gocart),mini car race(hadiah nyer dpt kreta enspira control nyer k,tp cntek..rugi lak xsnap pic krete kecik tu..)
jom kita tgok gambaq lg................................................................
masa majlis perasmian..oleh dato'dotdot......(xthu nme nyer)..

haaa..nie sepupu2 ak..anak2 pakcik ak,,plg rapat dgn
ak Damia Or Mia je...nk dkt2 dh dgn nama ak nie
dgn si Mia...DAmIa=Dalila DD k...hehehee
mia comey....

ramai yg jd pyibuk..hehe
nie gelagat ak dgn Mia...hehehee

haa...tgok,stiap kli nk snap je,ada la yg nyibuk...xleh sng btoi...huh...

org blakank tu jeler leydah lak..jeles la tu..spoil je pic ak jd nye...
ramai gak artis yg terlibat..,ada Dafi,Mila,farrahAf,Maulana,Riz and ada lg student2 AFlain,lg artis2 yg hadir ramai gak la,xterkira...tp yg best lg ade HUjaN,BunkFace,DayangNurFaezah...persembahan yg pling cool dri Amy Search..sume org nyanyi,konsert habeh2 gler arr..lagu lak best2 jer..yela kn lelaki mesti minat nyer lagu2 search nie..nie kn zaman dorg...best la ble ada konsert mcm nie...hahaha..layanzz jerr...
haaa....ramai x org kt blakank tuh...time nie tgh innovation show..
byak kete2yg best2 n cntik tlh diubah suai,bkn tu je..
fungsi dy pon dh lain,dh mesra alam,cuma ta leh terbng je lg.,
ade 1 keta tu gne air sbgai bhn bkar,maknanya dy xgne
minyak tuk hidup kn engin..hebat kn....jom tgok lg keta yg kt bwh nie

01 August 2010

Bila TEnSIon MenguaSa DiRi kAmI.

Bermulanya cerita,sblum tamat bulan julai ak nk post jgk kt blog nie.....arghh geram je rase bila se-gala2 nya kita prepare xjd..segala penat lelah utk program ini di CANCEL kn last2 minit lak tu..sepatutnya time ak tulis crita nie ak dlm keaadaan penat sgt..maklum la bru smpai umah selepas jauh perjalanan dari Ipoh ke KL..,tapi se-gala2nya hancur bila sehari seblom kami suma pg ke skola di Ipoh tu membantal kn kem Motivasi kami..proposal dh LULUS, banner dh siap, brg2 m0dule dh beli, baju clas pon dh dpt, mkn pon dh tempah..hamper2 n hadiah segalanya lah dah LENGKAP tinggal lg kmi je BELUM berangkat ke sna..ak sebgai Ajk program dan selaku person in charge dlm Icebreaking rse sgt2 la KECEWA..mmg xpatut la skola tu bt kmi mcm nie..kmi sume dh Xcited nk pegi, ada yg dh siap packing brg lg tu..(ak la salah seorgnya),,kalo la masa boleh diputar kn ak xnak jd mcm nie..semua org Frust sgt...terUTAMA skli tuan DiRector iaitu Ain..
untuk meRELEASkn TENSION kmi pon kuar ar beramai-ramai, sje xnk ingat apa2 da..konun nk lupa kn apa yg akn terjadi pada hari yg sepatotnya...Huhhh..

..Yg nIe je Yg ADA..

25 July 2010

jOm Sukan!!

dh lama xjoin sukan2 nie..sejak tamat je  high school da Xjoin..,bkn xnk tp atas sbb2 yg musabab xleh join hohoho..sport carnival yg di adakan inter hostel of MUCH college mmg best,..ostel ak xkalah n xmenang tp kmi sume enjoy..enjoy smpai sakit2 badan.aduiyaaiii..ak skit separuh bdn bhgian kanan je..kiri okei..tp ble jalan adoi da mcm mck tue pon ade..hahaha..TEaM LANGAT JAYA ostel mmg best,walaupn xramai yg g..sbb ade yg posting ja02(musim practikal)..tgh ramai yg xde kt ostel,yg tggal pon dua kos je..nk bt cm ne kn..tengss arr sapa yg join n memeriah kn lg team Langat Jaya..my b ini yg last kita join,thn dpn ostel Langat Jaya da  Xda..bcoz kita dh grad..lg pon ostel kita nie xde junior nk sambung kita pnye semangat..jom kita tgok pixca2....jom..jom..jom...

muke pepg..segar2 jew.ble ptg sume dh kne sun burn itam jd nye!!
awek2 laNgat JAYA




JgN Gelak K!!



LARi peNguIn
TiuP tePung
Bwk Bola Dlm SUdu

BowLing Kelapa
LarI Dalam GunI
pertanding POCO_POCO
poco-poco team
WarminG up dgn tarian POCO_POCO VerCi baru
tarIAn kedua WAKA-WAKA Eaea..mmg best!!